Prunella vulgaris subsp. lanceolata

Lance Selfheal - Prunella vulgaris subsp. lanceolata
Hillsboro Peak Trail
Black Range, NM, USA

On the 19th of September 2916 we took a short walk from the Emory Pass overlook, northward to the boundary of the Wilderness Area.  The trail was a mass of flowers, the trail on that day was world-class and it was a joy to experience.  One of the most obvious plants along the trail was Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata, Self Heal.

The BONAP map to the right shows the range of the species in the United States.  In Canada it is found in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island.  Light green indicates that the species is native, and not rare, in the county indicated.  The subspecies which is found in New Mexico, and the Black Range, is the subspecies P. v. var. lanceolata, which is known by the English Common Names of Lance Selfheal, Common Selfheal, and Heal All.

With all of those common names having to do with healing you might think that the indigeonous peoples used this plant.  You would be correct, see the extensive listing of uses of this plant by native people at the Native American Ethnobotany Data Base.

The species, Prunella vulgaris, is found throughout Eurasia and North America.

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