Noccaea fendleri glauca

Wild Candytuft - Noccaea fendleri glauca
Black Range Crest Trail
South of Hillsboro Peak
New Mexico

On March 13, 2017 we found the Noccaea fendleri (Gray) Holub subsp. glauca (A. Nelson) Al-Shebaz & M. Koch, Wild Candytuft, growing along the Black Range Crest Trail south of Hillsboro Peak (top three photographs).  There were still some snow patches on the trail south of the Wilderness Area and snow covered trails within the Wilderness.

As seen on the BONAP map to the right, this species has an extensive range within the United States.  The light green color indicates that the species is native to, and not rare within, the county indicated.  It is also reported from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico.  In Canada it is found in Alberta and British Columbia.  The map makes it clear that this is a species of higher elevations, up to 4,400 meters.  

This species is often found near snowbanks, along streams, and in alpine and sub-alpine meadows.

There are many scientific synonyms for this species. Since it was first described it has undergone 12 redescriptions.  It is also known by a number of other English Common names including Alpine PennycressAlpine PennygrassMountain Candytufts, Candytufts, and Fendler’s Penny-cress.

Photographs immediately above and below
FS Trail 796 near Emory Pass Crest
March 28, 2020

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