This website has most of its material arranged by location. This section of the website has a cross-referenced index so that images can be located by species.
Birds: A to C Lesser Adjutant to Pied Currawong
Birds: D to F Blue Dacnis to Yellow-throated Fulvetta
Birds: G to I Gadwall to Brown Inca
Birds: J to L Jabiru to Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Birds: M to O Blue-and-yellow Macaw to Blackish Oystercatcher
Birds: P to R Aztec Parakeet to Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Birds: S to U Gray-breasted Sabrewing to Amazonian Umbreallabird
Birds: V to Z Verdin to White-naped Yuhina
Mammals/Marsupials A - E: An alphabetical listings of mammal and marsupial photographs and videos.
Mammals/Marsupials F - M: An alphabetical listing of mammal and marsupial photographs and videos.
Mammals/Marsupials N - Z: An alphabetical listing of mammal and marsupial photographs and videos.
Reptiles and Amphibians - An alphabetical listings of reptile and amphibian photographs and videos.
Video compilations:
The Birds of Central America, Mexico, and South America (15 vols.);
Birding Videos From the Western US and Canada (25 vols.);
The Birds of The Gambia (9 vols.);
The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago (8 vols.); and
The Birds of Australia and Asia (13 vols.).
Video Portfolios:
The Birds of Australia (19 videos);
The Birds of Belize (10 videos);
The Birds of Bhutan (144 videos);
The Birds of Chile (83 videos);
The Birds of Colombia (43 videos);
The Birds of Costa Rica (80 videos);
The Birds of Ecuador (120 videos);
The Birds of Guatemala (5 videos);
The Birds of India (23 videos);
The Birds of Mexico (128 videos);
The Birds of New Mexico (133 videos);
The Birds of Panama (81 videos);
The Birds of Peru (47 videos);
The Birds of Senegal (50 videos);
The Birds of Sri Lanka (8 videos);
The Birds of the United States and Canada (364 videos);
The Birds of The Gambia (138 videos);
The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago (149 videos);
The Birds of Venezuela (17 videos);
Reptiles, Fish, & Amphibians (37 videos);
Insects, Arthropods, etc (27 videos); and