This alphabetical listings of mammal/marsupial photographs and videos is by English Common Name. If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.
Armadillo, Nine-banded - Dasypus novemcinctus
Ass, Feral - Equus asinus
Badger, American - Taxidea taxus
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume One
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Two
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Seven
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Eight
- Photographs taken in Wyoming
- Skull photo below
Bat, Mexican Free-tailed - Tadarida brasiliensis
- Photographs from New Mexico - August, 2024
- Video from New Mexico - August, 2024
Bat, Pallid - Antrozous pallidus
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
Bat, Southwestern Little Brown - Myotis occultus
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
Bear, American Black - Ursus americanus
- The Dempster
- Hyder Bears - (Throughout the video)
- Photographs of “animal sign” from New Mexico, USA
- Photographs from Alaska
- Photographs from North Carolina
Bear, Grizzly - Ursus arctos horribilis
- The Dempster
- Hyder Bears (Throughout the video)
- Photograph from the Northwest Territory
- Photographs from Alaska
Beaver, North American - Castor canadensis
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Nine
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Ten
- Hyder Bears
- Photographs from Washington
Bison, American - Bison bison
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume One
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Two
- Bison, American (Yellowstone) - Video
- Bison, American (Yellowstone) - Video
- Bison, American (Yellowstone) - Video
- Photographs from Wyoming
Bobcat - Lynx rufus baileyi
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
- Skull photo upper left (subspecies undetermined)
Bobcat - Lynx rufus californicus
Chipmunk, Cliff - Tamias dorsalis
Chipmunk, Yellow-pine - Tamias amoenus
- Chipmunk, Yellow-pine (Cabin Lake Campground, Oregon)
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume One
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Two
- Photographs taken at Cabin Lake Campground, Oregon, USA
- Video from Cabin Lake Campground, Oregon
Coati, White-nosed - Nasua narica
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Five
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Six
- Photographs from Arizona
Cottontail, Desert - Sylvilagus audubonii
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Five
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Six
- Video from New Mexico
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
- Photographs from Arizona
- Photographs from Colorado
Cottontail, Mountain - Sylvilagus nuttallii
Coyote - Canis latrans
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
- Photographs from Arizona
- Video from Oregon
- Photographs from Oregon
Deer, Mule - Odocoileus hemionus
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
- Video from Oregon
- Photographs from Oregon
- Photographs from Arizona
- Photographs from California
- Photographs from Colorado
- Video from Arizona
- Photographs from Mt. Rainier, Washington
- Video from New Mexico
Deer, White-tailed - Odocoileus virginianus
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Three
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Four
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Five
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Six
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Seven
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Eight
- Photographs from Tennessee
- Photograph from North Dakota
- Photographs from Virginia
- Photographs from Texas - Deer, (Carmen Mountain) White-tailed - Odocoileus virginianus carminis
Dolphin, Bottlenose - Delphinus truncatus
Elk - Cervus canadensis
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume One
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Two
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Three
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Four
- Photograph from Wyoming
- Photograph from Montana
- Photograph from Alberta
- Photographs from Oregon
- Photographs from California
- Trailcam photographs from New Mexico