Reptiles and Amphibians

In North America
If you have an interest in birding travels outside Canada, the United States, or Mexico please visit our companion site.
The automobile, train, airplane, missile/rocket, farm equipment, road equipment, etc. galleries have been moved to the www.airandground.org website which can be reached at the link above.
I have an interest in the early peoples of the world. My material about them is found on the Ancient Peoples website, www.ancientpeoples.org.
My home patch for the last 15 years has been in a small (less than 100) town in the foothills of New Mexico in the United States. The nearest services are 35 miles away and we generally travel 75 miles for groceries. The Black Range where I reside is at the center of several ecological borders and thus very diverse. www.blackrange.org is the website I have developed to cover material from this area. I publish a quarterly which focuses on the natural history of the Black Range. Copies can be found at The Black Range Naturalist.