This alphabetical listings of mammal/marsupial photographs and videos is by English Common Name. If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.
Fox, Kit - Vulpes macrotis
Goat, Mountain - Oreamnos americanus
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Three
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Four
- Photographs from Alberta
Gopher, Botta’s Pocket - Thomomys bottae
- Photographs from New Mexico, USA
Gopher, Desert Pocket - Geomys arenarius
- Photographs taken in New Mexico, USA
Ground-Squirrel, California - Otospermophilus beecheyi
Ground-Squirrel, Golden-mantled - Callospermophilus lateralis
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Nine
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Ten
- Photographs taken in Oregon
- Photographs taken in California
- Video taken in Oregon
Ground-Squirrel, Harris’ Antelope - Ammospermophilus harrisii
Ground-Squirrel, (Southern) Idaho - Urocitellus brunneus endemicus
- Photographs from Idaho, USA
Ground-Squirrel, Mexican - Ictidomys mexicanus
Ground-Squirrel, Round-tailed - Xerospermophilus tereticaudus
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Five
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Six
- Photographs from Arizona, USA.
Ground-Squirrel, Uinta - Urocitellus armatus
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume One
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Two
- Photograph from Wyoming
Horses, Feral - Equus ferus caballus and others
Howler, Guatemalan Black - Alouatta pigra
aka Yucatan Black Howler
Jackrabbit, Black-tailed - Lepus californicus
Jackrabbit, White-tailed - Lepus townsendii
Javelina (Collared Peccary) - Tayassu tajacu
Kangaroo-Rat, Banner-tailed - Dipodomys spectabilis
- Photograph from New Mexico, USA
Marmot, Hoary - Marmota caligata
Marmot, Yellow-bellied - Marmota flaviventris
Monkey, Geoffroy's Spider- - Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis
Moose - Alces alces
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Three
- Birding the Western US and Canada - Volume Four
- Hyder Bears
- Photographs from Alberta
- Photographs from Nova Scotia
- Photographs from British Colombia
- Photograph from Yukon
Mouse, Chihuahuan Pocket - Chaetodipus eremicus
- Photographs taken in New Mexico
Mouse, Eastern Harvest - Reithrodontomys humulis
Mouse, Rock Pocket - Chaetodipus intermedius
- Photographs taken in New Mexico, USA