New Mexico Birds

This page is an annotated index to the photographs and videos of birds which I have recorded in New Mexico.  The Birds of New Mexico video portfolio contains a full set of the videos linked to below.  Photographs of the birds of New Mexico are found in the New Mexico Bird Photos gallery.  Recordings/Photographs which were made in the Black Range of southwestern New Mexico are indicated in the annotation.  The listing is in alphabetical, not taxonomic, order.

Blackbird, Brewer’s - Euphagus cyanocephalus - Photograph

Blackbird, Red-winged - Agelaius phoeniceus - Photographs

Blackbird, Yellow-headed Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus.  Photograph from Hillsboro, New Mexico and Bosque del Apache NWR.

Bluebird, Eastern - Sialia sialis sialis - Photographs and video from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Bluebird, Mountain - Sialia currucoides Photographs taken in the Nutt Grasslands, south of Lake Valley, New Mexico on November 9, 2017.  Black Range.  Video from Black Range, Dec. 2022.

Bluebird, Western - Sialia mexicanaThis video was recorded at Percha Dam State Park in south-central New Mexico in February. Photographs from Hillsboro, Poverty Flat, and Emory Pass in the Black Range of New Mexico.

Bunting, Indigo - Passerina cyanea - Photograph from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Bunting, Lark - Calamospiza melanocorys - Photographs from the Nutt Grasslands, Black Range, New Mexico

Bunting, Lazuli - Passerina amoena:  Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during April.  Black Range.  Photographs

Bunting, Painted - Passerina ciris - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Bufflehead - Bucephala albeola: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico during January 2018.

Bushtit - Psaltriparus minimus plumbeus: Photographs taken in the Black Range on December 25, 2017.

Cardinal, Northern - Cardinalis cardinalis superbus: This video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2014.  Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on November 21 & 25, 2017.  Black Range

Catbird, Gray - Dumetella carolinensis - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Chat, Yellow-breasted - Icteria virens - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Chickadee, Mountain - Poecile g. gambeli:  Video recorded at the crest of the Sandias in north-central New Mexico on February 4, 2012.  A second video was recorded at the same location in February 2014.  Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on December 20, 2017.  Black Range.

Collared-Dove, Eurasian - Streptopelia decaocto: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013. Black Range. Photographs. Video recording nesting during March & April 2019 (first of five)

Coot, American - Fulica americana: Photograph from Wall Lake, North Starr Road, Black Range, NM

Cormorant, Neotropic - Phalacrocorax brasilianus: This video was recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico on January 17, 2012.

Cowbird, Bronzed - Molothrus aeneus: This video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2014. A second video was recorded at the same location during May 2017.  Black Range. Photographs

Cowbird, Brown-headed - Molothrus ater: Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Crane, Sandhill - Grus canadensis: This video was recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico on January 17, 2012 and this video during January 2018.  Photographs taken at the same location on December 1, 2017.  Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico on January 31, 2021. 

Creeper, Brown
- Certhia americana: Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico & Photographs taken along Sawyer’s Peak Trail, Black Range.  Black Range.

Dickcissel - Spiza americana:  Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico; Video from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Dove, Inca - Columbina inca: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013. Black Range. Photographs

Dove, Mourning - Zenaida macroura - Photographs from Railroad Canyon, Black Range, NM

Dove, White-winged - Zenaida asiatica: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2012. Black Range.  Photographs

Duck, Ring-necked - Aythya collaris - Photographs from Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico

Duck, Ruddy - Oxyura jamaicensis: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during February.  Photographs

Eagle, Bald - Haliaeetus leucocephalus - 
Video recorded at Bosque del Apache NWR, Jan 2021  Photograph

Eagle, Golden -
Aquila chrysaetos: Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Egret, Snowy - Egretta thula - Photographs and video from Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico

Falcon, Peregrine - Falco peregrinus: Video recorded in Lake Valley, New Mexico during December 2011. Black Range.  Photographs

Finch, Cassin’s - Haemorhous cassinii: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during December 2017.  Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on December 15, 2017.  Black Range.

Finch, House - Carpodacus mexicanus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during July 2012. Black Range. Photographs

Flicker, Gilded Colaptes chrysoides: Photographs from the lower Gila Box on November 15, 2017. 

Flicker, (Red-shafted) Northern - Colaptes auratus collaris: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013.  Photographs taken in Mineral Creek of the Black Range on September 18, 2017 and in Hillsboro, New Mexico.  Black Range.

Flycatcher, Ash-throated - Myiarchus cinerascens:  Photograph from Percha Creek, east of Hillsboro, New Mexico

Flycatcher, Cordilleran - Empidonzx occidentalis:  Photographs from South Percha Creek, Black Range, May 2020

Flycatcher, Gray - Empidonax wrightii: Photographs from Percha Creek, east of Hillsboro, New Mexico

Flycatcher, Vermillion - Pyrocephalus rubinus: Video recorded at Rattlesnake Springs in southeastern New Mexico during April 2012.  Photographs

Gadwall - Anas strepera - Video from Bosque del Apache NWR

Gallinule, Common - Gallinula galeata cochinnas - Photographs from Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico

Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray - Polioptila caerulea - Photograph taken east of Hillsboro, New Mexico.  Black Range.

Goldfinch, American - Carduelis tristis: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2014. Black Range. Photograph

Goldfinch, Lawrence’s - Spinus (Carduelis) lawrencei: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2014. Black Range.  Photographs

Goldfinch, Lesser - Carduelis psaltria: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2014.  A second video recorded at the same location in May 2014.  Black Range.  Photographs

Goose, Canada - Branta canadensis - Photographs from Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico

Goose, Ross’s - Chen rossii: This video was recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on January 17, 2012.  Photographs

Goose, Snow - Chen caerulescens: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on January 17, 2012.  Photographs    Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on January 31, 2021.

Grackle, Common - Quiscalus quiscula: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on March 19, 2012. Black Range.

Grackle, Great-tailed - Quiscalus mexicanus - Photographs from Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico

Grosbeak, Black-headed - Pheucticus melanocephalus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2014.  Black Range. Photographs.  Video recorded in Hillsboro in July 2021.

Grosbeak, Blue - Passerina caerulea: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during June.  Black Range. Photographs

Grosbeak, Evening - Coccothraustes vespertinus: Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Grosbeak, Rose-breasted - Phecticus ludovicianus: This video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2014. Black Range.  Photographs

Ground-Dove, Common - Columbina passerina - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Ground-Dove, Ruddy - Columbina talpacoti eluta - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Harrier, Northern - Circus cyganus - Photographs and video from Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico

Hawk, Cooper’s - Accipiter cooperii - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Hawk, Red-tailed - Buteo jamaicensis: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January.  A second video recorded at the same location in February. A third video recorded at the same location in January 2018.   Photographs (Set 1). Photographs (Set 2) taken east of Hillsboro, New Mexico on July 10, 2017.  Black Range.

Hawk, Sharp-shinned - Accipiter striatus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on December 25, 2015. The following video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during December 2017.  Photographs taken in Railroad Canyon of the Black Range, New Mexico on October 13, 2017 and in Hillsboro, New Mexico on December 20, 2017.  Black Range.

Hawk, Swainson’s - Buteo swainsoni: Photographs from the Nutt Grasslands, SE Black Range, NM. Video from the Nutt Grasslands, December 2018

Hawk, Zone-tailed - Buteo albonotatus - : Video recorded at Rattlesnake Springs, southeastern New Mexico during April 2012.  Photographs from Hillsboro

Heron, Great Blue - Ardea herodias: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January. A second video recorded at the same location during February.  Photographs

Hummingbird, Black-chinned - Archilochus alexandri: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on April 24 and in June.  A second video recorded at the same location in May.  Black Range. Photographs

Hummingbird, Broad-billed - Cyanthus latirostris: Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Hummingbird, Broad-tailed - Selasphorus platycercus: Photographs from the Black Range Crest Trail, New Mexico

Hummingbird, Rivoli’s - Eugenes fulgens - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Hummingbird, Rufous - Selasphorus rufus - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Ibis, White-faced - Plegadis chihi - Photographs from Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico

Jay, Steller’s - Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha: Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on December 9, 2017.  Black Range.

Junco, Dark-eyed (Grey-headed) - Junco hyemalis caniceps: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2012. A second video recorded at the crest of the Sandia Mountains, north central New Mexico, during February. Black Range.  Photographs from the Black Range, New Mexico on December 25, 2017.

Junco, Dark-eyed (Oregon) - Photograph

Junco, Dark-eyed (Multiple) - Video recorded in the Black Range, Dec. 2022

Junco, Dark-eyed (Pink-sided) - Junco hyemalis mearnsi: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during February 2012. Black Range.  Photographs

Junco, Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) - Photographs

Kestrel, American - Falco sparverius: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on January 17, 2012.  Photographs

Killdeer - Photographs - Video recorded at Bosque del Apache, Jan. 2021. Video - Hillsboro, NM April 2021

Kingbird, Cassin’s - Tyrannus vociferans: Video recorded at Rattlesnake Springs, southeastern New Mexico during April 2012.  A second video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2014. Black Range.

Kingbird, Tropical - Tyrannus melanocholicus - Photographs from the Boothill of New Mexico

Kingbird, Western - Tyrannus verticalis - Photographs

Kinglet, Ruby-crowned - Regulus calendula: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during February 2014. Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on January 22, 2018. Black Range.

Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos: Photographs taken at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on December 1, 2017.

Meadowlark, Western - Sturnella neglecta: Photographs taken at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on February 28, 2007.  Video from Bosque del Apache NWR, 1/22/2021.

Mockingbird, Northern - Photographs

Nighthawk, Common - Chordeiles minor henryi: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on July 27, 2016. Black Range. Photographs

Nutcracker, Clark’s - Photograph

Nuthatch, Pygmy - Photographs

Nuthatch, Red-breasted - Sitta canadensis: Video recorded at the crest of the Sandia Mountains, north central New Mexico on February 4, 2012.  A second video recorded at the same location two years later.  Photographs

Nuthatch, White-breasted - Sitta carolinensis: Video recorded at the crest of the Sandia Mountains, north central New Mexico in February.  Photographs taken in Mineral Creek, Black Range, New Mexico on September 18, 2017.  Black Range.

Oriole, Baltimore - Icterus galbula: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May.  Black Range. Photographs

Oriole, Bullock’s - Icterus bullockii: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May.  Black Range. Photographs

Oriole, Hooded - Icterus cucullatus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during July 2012.  A second video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May.  Black Range. Photographs

Oriole, Scott’s - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Ovenbird - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Owl, Barn - Photographs from east of Hillsboro, New Mexico - Video from Hillsboro, June 2019

Owl, Great Horned - Bubo virginianus: This video was recorded in Milensand, New Mexico during April 2012.

Owl, Long-Eared - Asio otus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March.  Photographs taken at Black Mountain NW of Deming, New Mexico March 5, 2015.  Black Range.

Owl, Mountain Pygmy - Glaucidium gnoma - Photographs from Black Range, New Mexico, June 14, 2021

Owl, Short-eared - Asio flammeus: Photograph from Wicks Canyon, east of Hillsboro, New Mexico. January 12, 2018.  Black Range.

Owl, (Mexican) Spotted - Strix occidentalis lucida - Feather, photo from Black Range, New Mexico, June 14, 2021

Phainopepla - Phainopepla nitens: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico during February. Photographs

Phoebe, Black - Sayornis nigricans: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico during February.  Photographs

Phoebe, Say’s - Sayornis saya: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico during February.  Photographs taken east of Hillsboro, New Mexico on December 1, 2017.

Pigeon, Band-tailed - Patagioenas fasciata: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May.  Black Range. Photographs  Video. Video

Pintail, Northern - Anas acuta: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January. A second video recorded a the same location in February.  Photographs taken at the same location on December 1, 2017.

Prairie-Chicken, Lesser - Tympanuchus pallidicinctus - Photographs from Milnesand, New Mexico - April 17, 2011 - Video April 2012

Pyrrhuloxia - Cardinalis sinuatus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2012. Black Range. Photograph

Quail, Gambel’s - Callipepla gambelii - Photographs and video from Hillsboro, New Mexico January 2019

Quail, Montezuma - Photographs from Lower Gallinas, Campground, Black Range, New Mexico

Quail, Scaled - Photographs from east of Hillsboro, New Mexico

Raven, Chihuahuan - Corvus cryptoleucus: Video recorded in Dona Ana County, New Mexico during June 2012.

Raven, Common - Corvus corax: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January.  A second video recorded at the same location in February.  Photographs.   Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January 2021.

Redstart, Painted - Myioborus pictus: Video recorded in Railroad Canyon of the Black Range, New Mexico during May.  Black Range. Photographs

Roadrunner, Greater - Geococcyx californianus: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January.   A second video recorded at the same location in February.  Photographs taken at the same location in March 2018.

Robin, American - Turdus migratorius: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013. Black Range. Photographs   Video recorded in the Black Range, Dec. 2022

Rosy-Finch, Black - Leucosticte atrata: Video from the crest of the Sandia Mountains, east of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on February 13, 2015.  Photographs

Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped - Leucosticte australis: Video from the crest of the Sandia Mountains, east of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on February 13, 2015.  Photographs

Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned - Leucosticte tephrocotis: Video from the crest of the Sandia Mountains, east of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on February 13, 2015.  Photographs

Sapsucker, Red-naped - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Sapsucker, Williamson’s - Photographs from Rabb Park, Black Range, New Mexico

Sandpiper, Spotted - Actitis macularius: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico during February.  Photographs

Screech-Owl, Western - Photograph from east of Hillsboro, New Mexico

Scrub-Jay, Woodhouse’s - Aphelocoma w. woodhouseii: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013. Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on November 25 and December 9, 2017.  Black Range.

Shoveler, Northern - Anas clypeata: Video recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during January. Photographs

Shrike, Loggerhead - Photographs from east of Hillsboro, New Mexico. Video from Bosque del Apache NWR

Siskin, Pine - Carduelis pinus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2014.  Black Range.  Photographs
Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico, December 2018   Video recorded at Bosque del Apache NWR, Jan 2021

Solitare, Townsend’s - Myadestes townsendi - Photos from Tierra Blanca Road, Black Range, NM

Sparrow, Black-throated - Photographs.  Video - Hillsboro March 2021

Sparrow, Cassin’s - Photographs

Sparrow, Chipping - Spizella passerina: Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on April 27, 2008. Black Range. Video   Video recorded in the Black Range, Dec. 2022

Sparrow, Clay-colored - Spizella pallida:  Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico; Video from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Sparrow, (Slate-colored) Fox - Passerella iliaca schistacea: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during December.  Black Range.

Sparrow, Fox -
Passerella iliaca - Photographs and video from Hillsboro, New Mexico - January 2019

Sparrow, Golden-crowned - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico, December 2019

Sparrow, Harris’s - Zonotrichia querula: This video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during February 2012.  A second video was recorded at the same location during March 2017. Black Range.  Photographs

Sparrow, House - Passer domesticus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2012. Black Range. Video recorded in Hillsboro during December 2018. Framegrab from Video.

Sparrow, Lark - Chondestes grammacus: Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on May 14, 2018.  Black Range. Photographs

Sparrow, Lincoln’s - Melospiza licolnii: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on March 19, 2012.  A second video was recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico during February.  Photograph from Harden Cienega, Grant County, New Mexico on October 8, 2017.  Black Range.   Video recorded in the Black Range, Dec. 2022.

Sparrow, Rufous-crowned - Photographs

Sparrow, Savannah - Passerculus sandwichensis - Photograph

Sparrow, Song - Melospiza melodia - Photographs  Video

Sparrow, Vesper - Photographs

Sparrow, White-crowned - Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2012. Black Range. Photographs

Sparrow, White-throated - Zonotrichia albicollis: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2012. Black Range. Photographs

Starling, European - Sturnus vulgaris - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico December 2018   Video

Swallow, Barn - Photographs.  Video recorded in the Nutt Grasslands, New Mexico during December 2018

Swallow, Cliff - Photographs

Swallow, Northern Rough-winged - Stelgidopteryx serripennis: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico on March 30.

Swallow, Violet-green - Tachycineta thalassina: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico on March 30.

Swift, White-throated - Photographs

Tanager, Summer - Piranga rubra: Video recorded at Percha Dam State Park, New Mexico on March 30.  Photographs

Tanager, Summer x Western - Piranga ludoviciana x rubra: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during April & May 2014. Black Range. Photographs

Tangager, Western - Photographs

Teal, Cinnamon - Anas cyanoptera septentrioalium: This video was recorded at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico during February.

Thrasher, Brown - Toxostoma rufum - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico in October 2023

Thrasher, Crissal - Toxostoma crissale:  Photograph from Warm-Springs Wash, East of Hillsboro, April 2021

Thrasher, Curve-billed - Toxostoma curvirostre: Video recorded in Milnesand, New Mexico during April 2012. A second video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2014.  A third video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2017.  Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on November 25, 2017.  Black Range.

Thrasher, Sage - Photographs

Thrush, Hermit - Catharus guttaus: Photographs taken in Railroad Canyon, Black Range, New Mexico on July 23, 2017 and Hillsboro, New Mexico during December 2018.  Black Range.  Video recorded in Hillsboro during December 2018.  Video recorded in the Black Range, Dec. 2022.

Thrush, Wood, Hylocichla mustelina, Photographs from Milnesland, New Mexico April 15, 2011

Titmouse, Bridled - Video and Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico December 2018

Titmouse, Juniper - Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico

Towhee, Canyon - Pipilo fuscus: Video recorded east of Hillsboro, New Mexico during February.  Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on November 16, 2017. Black Range.  Video recorded in Hillsboro during December 2018.

Towhee, Green-tailed - Pipilo chlorurus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during March 2017.  Black Range. Photographs

Towhee, Spotted - Pipilo maculatus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during February 2012. Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on November 22, 2017.  Black Range.

Turkey, (Rio Grande) Wild - Meleagris gallopavo intermedia: Photographs taken at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico on December 1, 2017.  Photographs (2 additional sets, undetermined ssp.). Video - Bosque del Apache June 2021

Verdin - Auriparus flaviceps - Photograph from Hillsboro

Vireo, Cassin’s - Photographs

Vireo, Plumbeous - Vireo plumbeus: Video recorded in Carbonate Creek of the Black Range, New Mexico on June 11.  Photographs taken in Mineral Creek, Black Range, New Mexico on September 18, 2017.  Black Range.

Vireo, Warbling - Vireo gilvus:  Video and Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico. September 5, 2020

Vulture, Turkey - Cathartes aura: This video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during September and at various other locations in the state.  Photographs from Caballo Lake, New Mexico on June 7, 2012 and near Mud Spring of the Black Range, New Mexico on July 5 & 6, 2017.  Black Range. Photographs - 2 additional sets from the Black Range.

Warbler, Black-throated Gray - Dendroica nigrescens: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on June 11. Black Range. Photographs

Warbler, Grace’s - Photographs

Warbler, MacGillivray’s - Geothlypis tolmiei: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on August 28, 2015. Photographs taken in Hillsboro, New Mexico on September 18, 2017.  Black Range.

Warbler, Nashville - Leiothlpis ruficapilla: Photo from Warm Springs Wash, East of Hillsboro, New Mexico 4/22/21

Warbler, Olive - Photographs

Warbler, Orange-crowned - Oreothlypis celata: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during February 2014. Black Range. Photographs

Warbler, Red-faced - Photographs

Warbler, Townsend’s - Photographs

Warbler, Virginia’s - Oreothiypis virginiae: This video was recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during August 2012. Black Range. Photographs. Video

Warbler, Wilson’s - Cardellina pusilla: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico on August 28, 2015.  Black Range. Photographs.  Video

Warbler, Yellow-rumped - Photographs

Waxwing, Cedar - Bombycilla cedrorum: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013. Photographs taken in the Black Range on April 27, 2008. Black Range.

Woodpecker, Acorn - Melanerpes formicivorus: Photographs taken in Mineral Creek, the Black Range, New Mexico on September 18, 2017.  Black Range.

Woodpecker, Downy - Picoides pubescens: Photographs taken in Mineral Creek, the Black Range, New Mexico on September 18, 2017. Black Range.

Woodpecker, Hairy - Leuconotopicus villosus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during May 2017.  A second video recorded at the same location during July 2016. Black Range. Photographs

Woodpecker, Ladder-backed - Picoides scalaris cactophilus: Video recorded in Hillsboro, New Mexico during November 2013.  A second video recorded at the same location in May 2017.  A third video recorded at the same location during July 2016. Black Range.  Photographs from Hillsboro, New Mexico.

Wren, Bewick’s - Photographs - Video from Oregon and Hillsboro, New Mexico

Wren, Cactus - Photographs

Wren, Canyon - Photographs

Wren, Northern House - Photographs

Wren, Rock - Photographs

Yellowlegs, Greater - Tringa melanoleuca - Video  Photographs

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